Westchester Park Friends is dedicated to improving Westchester Park
Westchester Park Friends is the fundraising arm of Westchester Park, run by the Park Advisory Board (PAB). Tax deductible donations are made through the LA Parks Foundation (501c3), with expenditure oversight by the City of Los Angeles Recreation and Parks. (RAP).
Funds collected through the LA Parks Foundation for Westchester Park Friends will be used for various initiatives, some of which are listed below. These initiatives are evaluated and then recommended to RAP by the PAB, then approved by RAP for use of the funds.
Your donations may be used for the The Westchester Senior Center and Westchester Recreation Center, which includes the gyms, skateboard park, playground, ball fields and picnic area.
The next public Park Advisory Board meeting is on Wednesday February 12, 6:30pm at the Senior Center 8740 Lincoln Blvd.
Westchester Park improvement initiatives now under consideration:
More Video Cameras​
Senior Center Bench
A new bench outside the Senior Center.
Exercise Equipment
Outdoor exercise stations throughout the park.
Pathways around the park
Multi-use pathway around the perimeter of the park
Welcome to Westchester Park sign on Lincoln
Restroom renovations
Do you have an idea? Tell us here.
Councilwoman Traci Park interviews Recreation and Parks General Manager Jimmy Kim